The new Indian chieftain.  
An adjustable power screen, sat nav, cruise control and a comfortable seat make for easy touring.
The 1800cc motor is fast, especially when selecting sport mode, a new addition for the 2019 model.
The 6 speed transmission is silky smooth.  I have now covered 3000 miles around town and on the open roads. Obviously this is primarily a tourer, but having covered many miles locally for work its quite comfortable on our A roads and the two hard cases swallow up most of my camera equipment with ease, after a recent trip to Normandy  (1100 mile round trip) I could appreciate its capabilities as a tourer. This bike is built for the open roads. It fly's!   
The overall quality fit and finish is impressive, deep paint and thick chrome, attract many admirer's.
Go test ride one, you will not be disappointed.....